The National Bird Dog Museum in Grand Junction TN is bursting with history and information about anything and everything shooting sports! Sculptures, art, memorabilia and photos spanning 100 years fill the space. Preserving the history of sporting dogs, the National Field Trials and shooting sports is the main goal of the museum. Educating visitors about the rich history of sporting dogs and field trials will hopefully inspire the next generation to continue exploring and preserving this heritage.
Within the Museum is the Wildlife Heritage Center, complete with a fully equipped auditorium and library. The Wildlife Center is aimed at educating children and adults alike with the goal to promote and inspire a regard for wildlife and understanding the delicate balance between man and nature. Through the Bird Dog Foundation an annual scholarship essay contest and sporting dog art contest are held annually. The Museum is a popular field trip destination for area schools and youth groups. For more information on tours and field trips contact the Education Coordinator at the Museum.
A quiet country drive to a place rich with history is just what some of us need right now! The National Bird Dog museum will not disappoint. You can casually roam the Museum or the amazing staff will guide you through and tell some wonderful stories about some of the characters memorialized in the Halls of Fame at the museum. The colorful history of the sporting dog life is worth exploring! My 9 year old said “yaye! I can learn history without having to read a book!” This Museum is a great way to see history through a different lens…a book can only say so much. The National Bird Dog Museum brought history to life for us on our visit!
The Wildlife Center and the atrium are available for hosting educational and social events. This jewel hidden away in Grand Junction TN is worth the drive! No need to schedule a visit unless you have a large group. As with everything these days it never hurts to call and verify operating hours. The staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the Museum. Call 731-764-2058 or email and tell them Shop Local Magazine sent you!